Sunday, July 31, 2016

Tubing during a drought is Hi-lARIOUS

"Streets are almost empty, shops are closed down
There's not a soul left in the bar to tell my troubles to
Think I'll walk down to the river that runs just south of town
I hate like hell when there ain't nothin' left to do
But stand beneath the river bridge and listen for the train
It's been a long hot summer, not a drop of rain"

Read more: Robert Earl Keen - Not A Drop Of Rain Lyrics | MetroLyrics

I hate hot and humid. If the wind blows it's not so bad. I don't know why the wind never blows. It's the last day before school starts.I don't care what we do as long as it involves water-

Enter Chestatee River Adventures -
$5 a tube for about a 45 minute float, but you could go as many times down as you liked. You did have to hike a half mile trail back to the put in, but whatever.
We put in at about 11 am. The water wasn't very cold. The water wasn't very deep. Georgia hasn't has rain to speak of in a couple months. I'd be floating along and then my butt would bottom out (every pun intended) on the rocks. It was really funny actually. I could see them coming and do a reverse plank-like maneuver of going all stiff as a board and try to float over. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. If the bog down wasn't too bad, I'd grab the tube handle and bounce
Go cowboy, go cowboy, go :-D

I had a great time. Can't wait to go up again. Not crowded at all.We did 2 runs. A third seemed like a good idea (gotta get my money's worth!) I am glad we did not do it. Keep yourself wanting just a little more.
All 5 of us forgot towels. D'oh!

Lunch was at Hickory Prime BBQ
you would never believe it was in a gas station. The ghost pepper dark chocolate is a killer too.
Bradley's Farm has a stand by an abandoned gas station that you have to know it's coming. Muscadine and peach slushies- oh yeah-

Slept the rest of the way and come home to a gentle thunder storm.

More please......